Idyllwild News Since 1946

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ICC’s New Building Almost Complete, But Funding Needed

Reading Time: 3 minutes
The Idyllwild Community Center (ICC) building project next to the Idyllwild Community Playground, which has been in the works for more than twenty years, is finally near completion.  Except for a few final “punch list” items remaining under the HUD building contract, ICC’s combined CDBG grant through HUD, as well as additional Riverside County grants,…

Idyllwild Race Returns This Summer with New Course

Reading Time: 1 minute
After a brief hiatus, the beloved Idyllwild Race is making its return on Saturday, August 16, bringing back the community spirit with three exciting events for all ages and abilities. Runners and walkers alike can choose from a 5K Run/Walk at 7:30 a.m., a 10K Run at 8:15 a.m., or the Kids Fun Run at…

Protecting the Mule Deer population

Reading Time: 2 minutes
In Idyllwild, we have a beautiful balance of interconnected ecosystems. Animals and plant life blend together to keep the mountain thriving. Nonetheless, when one aspect of the forest is failing, its impact on the rest of the environment is significant. The California Mule Deer is one such animal that must be protected and maintained properly….

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